(Haha. Remember when Cheney was the Evil One in charge, and not Obama and Holder?)
Even Cowards shouldn't have too much trouble attaching their name to this meaningless petition from FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting):
As journalists, activists, artists, scholars and citizens, we condemn the array of threats and attacks on the journalist organization WikiLeaks.
Throughout this episode, journalists and prominent media outlets have largely refrained from defending WikiLeaks' rights to publish material of considerable news value and obvious public interest. It appears that these media organizations are hesitant to stand up for this particular media outlet's free speech rights because they find the supposed political motivations behind WikiLeaks' revelations objectionable. But the test for one's commitment to freedom of the press is not whether one agrees with what a media outlet publishes or the manner in which it is published.
Or don't, because FAIR isn't the NRA, and the First Amendment is flexible and not worth arguing about.
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